Content Posted in 2025
A Collaborative Approach to Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare, Mark T. Daigle
A Law Enforcement Leader's Response to Human Trafficking, Samuel Whitebear
A quantitative study of the use of mobile devices and television on the prevalence of childhood obesity, Gregory Jones
Creating Peer Support for Law Enforcement and Incorporating Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Justin Day
Development and Implementation of Mental Health Court: Benefits, Barriers, and Bridges, Nevada Smith
Effective Pastoral Leadership: Strategies for Guiding and Advancing Christian Church Organizations in the Post-Pandemic World, Dr. Joyce Powdrill
Effects of Training Load on Heart Rate Variability in Jiu-Jitsu Practitioners, Jeffrey Roberts
Episode 37: Drew Prachar: Growing Spiritually at CSP, Billy Schultz and Drew Prachar
Episode 38: Laurie Friedrich: An Educator At Heart, Billy Schultz and Laurie Friedrich
Episode 39: Pastor Tom Gundermann: Living Out CSP's Promise, Billy Schultz and Pastor Tom Gundermann
Episode 40: Tiffanie Loeb Schneider: A Heart for International Education, Billy Schultz and Tiffanie Loeb Schneider
Episode 41: Emma McDowell: Celebrating CSPday, Billy Schultz and Emma McDowell
Episode 42: Jerrod Brown: Addressing Food Insecurity, Billy Schultz and Jerrod Brown
Episode 43: President Brian Friedrich: Elevate the Promise, Billy Schultz and Brian Friedrich
Episode 44: Eric Van Hecke: Preparing PAs, Billy Schultz and Eric Van Hecke
Episode 45: Paul Perseke: Enhancing the Value of a CSP Degree, Billy Schultz and Paul Perseke
Episode 46: Kelly Matthias: Engaging Students Holistically, Billy Schultz and Kelly Matthias
Episode 47: Jenny Zafke: Raising Up Sonographers, Billy Schultz and Jenny Zafke
Episode 48: Shannon Currier: Leading Golden Bears Football, Billy Schultz and Shannon Currier
Episode 49: Kevin Hall: From CSP to Camp to CSP, Billy Schultz and Kevin Hall
Episode 50: Amanda McCaughan: Serving Students Through Financial Aid, Billy Schultz and Amanda McCaughan
Episode 51: Joel Schuessler: Finding Your Strengths, Billy Schultz and Joel Schuessler
Episode 52: Anna Ripke: The Joy of Serving College Students, Billy Schultz and Anna Ripke
Episode 53: President Brian Friedrich: Strategic Plan 2030, Billy Schultz and Brian Friedrich
Episode 59: Michele Pickel: Horse Powered Reading, Billy Schultz and Michele Pickel
Episode 60: Ryan Peterson: A Passion for Lutheran Higher Education, Billy Schultz and Ryan Peterson
Episode 61: Denya Jada: A student Leader with a Heart, Billy Schultz and Denya Jada
Episode 62: Andy Jones: Asking the Right Questions, Billy Schultz and Andy Jones
Episode 63: Hollie Caldwell: Expanding Into Colorado, Billy Schultz and Hollie Caldwell
Episode 64: Kprecia Ambers: Representation in Design, Billy Schultz and Kprecia Ambers
Episode 65: Adriene Thornton: Embracing a Pivot, Billy Schultz and Adriene Thornton
Episode 66: Eric LaMott: CSP's Growth Mindset, Billy Schultz and Eric LaMott
Episode 67: Therese Dargis: "This Could Actually Work", Billy Schultz and Therese Dargis
Episode 68: Ivan Cardona: "Control What You Can Control", Billy Schultz and Ivan Cardona
Ever-Increasing Statistics of Police Response to Mental Health Crisis Calls: Best Practices, Lauren Olson
Experiences with Crisis and Resilience in Education in Emergencies: Voices and Lenses of Teachers in Nicaragua, Anita De Anda
Harm Reduction in Corrections and Improved Treatment Programs, AliceAnne Pegg
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency – Reforming a Broken System, Brandie Olson
Neurocriminology: A Beginner’s Guide, Jerrod Brown
Neurocriminology: Revolutionizing Specialized Training for Criminal Justice System Professionals, Janina Cich
Physical Fitness and Wellness in Law Enforcement, Tavion Buchanan
Police Wellness, Autum Shurbert-Hetzel
Principals Leading Change Toward Anti-racist, Equitable Schools, Carolyn FitzPatrick
Recidivism: The Hardships of Reentry, Nicholas Pierce-Davis
Recruitment and Retention in Law Enforcement, Jefferson Dennis
Solving Old Cases with New Technology, Philip Hodapp
The effects of group-based exercise on physical health and participation in individuals with developmental disabilities, Hallie Wallace
The Impact of Strength Training on the Self-Efficacy of Middle School Football Players, Matthew Starley
The Influence of Single-Leg Isometrics on Ground Interactions during a Baseball Swing, Thomas Johnson
The Lived Experiences of Physical Therapy Educators During Ethics Instruction, Erin Simunds PT