Supporting Students and Staff with Social Development, Escalated Behaviors, and Burnout after the COVID-19 Pandemic in an Educational Setting

Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2025

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Coaching and Athletic Administration



First Advisor

Carmella Bertino


This study will investigate the post-COVID-19 pandemic problem areas within an educational setting and where the administration can support staff in student behavioral management and burnout within staff. This study will investigate why students are not self-regulating their emotions and are becoming more erratic with their behaviors, why social development skills are not being developed more frequently in students, and why staff in an educational setting are feeling more burnt out than before. This study was conducted with surveys and focus groups, which were used to collect data. Open-ended surveys were emailed to participants and split into focus groups with similar answers. Administration assistance was mentioned as a focal point of focus to serve staff in the problematic areas that arise from these issues. The conclusion drawn from the data is that staff in an educational setting will continue to be burned out if erratic behaviors continue and social development is still not an emphasis in the curriculum provided.

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