A quantitative study of the use of mobile devices and television on the prevalence of childhood obesity

Date of Award

Spring 2-15-2025

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science



First Advisor

Denise Howard

Second Advisor

Ryan Hubbard

Third Advisor

Branda Davies


U.S. children receive an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes of screen time (ST) exposure through mobile device and television usage per day. It is currently unknown whether the specific method of ST exposure has an impact on an adolescent’s propensity to develop obesity. The aim of this study is to determine whether one method of ST exposure presents a greater risk of developing obesity. The participants of this proposed study would be the parents of 100 adolescents in the age range of 5-12 years old. Scales would be used to record the weights of the adolescents, and surveys would be completed by the parents to ensure accurate tracking of the duration and methods of ST exposure. Participants would be obtained by advertising the study in local schools and their corresponding social media pages. Surveys and measurements would be obtained initially and then again, every three months for a total period of 12 months. The results of this study could shed on light whether or not a specific source of ST exposure has a stronger correlation with childhood obesity. If such a correlation were to be found, then there would likely be immediate changes in that amount of ST recommended for that ST source.


U.S. children receive an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes of screen time (ST) exposure through mobile device and television usage per day. It is currently unknown whether the specific method of ST exposure has an impact on an adolescent’s propensity to develop obesity. The aim of this study is to determine whether one method of ST exposure presents a greater risk of developing obesity. The participants of this proposed study would be the parents of 100 adolescents in the age range of 5-12 years old. Scales would be used to record the weights of the adolescents, and surveys would be completed by the parents to ensure accurate tracking of the duration and methods of ST exposure. Participants would be obtained by advertising the study in local schools and their corresponding social media pages. Surveys and measurements would be obtained initially and then again, every three months for a total period of 12 months. The results of this study could shed on light whether or not a specific source of ST exposure has a stronger correlation with childhood obesity. If such a correlation were to be found, then there would likely be immediate changes in that amount of ST recommended for that ST source.

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