CUP Undergraduate Research
This collection archives and makes available undergraduate theses that were previously held in Concordia University Portland's institutional repository, CU Commons.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
whitenoise, Micah Jenae Beukelman
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Conformity and Cognitive Load in an Asch-Like Paradigm Study, Kaylee Baker
Updating the Revised Facts on Suicide Quiz: A Replication Study with an Expansion, Emily Bergan
The Golden Rush to the Golden State: An Analysis of the Development of California, 1845-1960, Garrett Broberg
Is EMDR More Effective than Wait List Control and Treatment as Usual with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms?, Joe Denniston
Unapologetically Woman, Dominique Donald
City of Camas City Hall Safety and Security Project Plan, Diane Dyra
Impact of Varying Saccharide Compounds as Nutrient Sources on Yeast Morphology and Cellulose Production in Kombucha Culture, Vadim Gaynaliy
Stovepiped in Silence: The Growing Threat of White Supremacy Extremism in the Pacific Northwest, Dacia J. Grayber
Understanding the Purges, Timothy George Grishkevich
Fragments: A Memoir, Mary Ellen Gross
Communications Interoperability Project Proposal, Peter Jimenez
CD47 Blockade Enhances Macrophage Efferocytosis Via a Process Requiring Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein 1, Richard Anthony Maldonado
In Cold July, Josey Noah Meats
A Cynical Enterprise: US-Iraq Relations, Oil, and the Struggle for the Persian Gulf, Alexander Alamovich Navruzov
New Media, New Networks, and the American Mind: The Television Revolution of the 21st Century, Natalie Nicholl
I Told God My Plans . . . A Research Memoir on Shame Associated with Academic Failure, Liana Elspeth Parks
Steel Monsters: Soviet Tank Development during the Second World War, Jeremy Paugh
Promoting Academic Self-Efficacy in First-Generation College Students, Sydney Quintana
American Medical Response Active Shooter Project Proposal, Matthew Spong
Police Medical Field-Screening Proposal Plan, Logan Stevens
Reliability of Chronically Recorded Visually Evoked Potentials in Awake Mouse Visual Cortex: Effect of Restraint Habituation, McKenna D. Stocker
The Development of a Low-Cost Air Quality Sensor Array for Mobile Platforms, Justin Taylor
Altruism in the Human Species: A Meta-Ethnography, Josh Tedrow
Jim Jones: A popular figure amongst many, Deiner A. Tindall
Banks Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Project Proposal, Donna VandenDries
(for)Closure, Chelsea Nicole Vincenzi
Knight Light: Body G, Alena Willbur
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort Emergency Response and Preparedness Project Proposal, Georgia Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Insecticides and Invertebrate Neurophysiology: Testing the Efficacy of Caffeine as an Insecticide, Anastasiya Ananenka
Portland International Airport Patient Tracking and Family Reunification Proposal, Amani Atallah
Exploring the Associations between Instagram Use and Depressive Symptoms: A Replication with Extension, Jasmine Bruner
Sense of Agency and the Exhibition of Prosocial Behaviors, Tyler John Charlton
Project Proposal: Incident Communication Strategy, Marcus Clegg
Analysis of NOx Levels in Ambient Air Using Passive Sampling, Cole Crosby
Project Proposal: Increasing CERFP Activation, Taylor Davis
Measuring Visual Acuity in Awake Mice Using Visually Evoked Potentials (VEPs), Emanuel Drutu
Project Proposal: Montgomery Security, Cody Eastley
Emergency Action Plan for Lakeview Recreation Center, Jade Fessler
Coaching Behavior and the Development of Social Physique Anxiety, Tara Fishback
Clark County Fire & Rescue: Partnership Proposal, Samuel Gillenwater
Warm Hands & Drinking Chocolate, Jalyn Gilmore
Independent Association of Sudden Cardiac Death and the Tpeak-Tend Interval on Vectorcardiogram, Ryan Richard Gonzales
Where to Next? Undergraduate Uncertainty Regarding Life After College, Emily Goodson
Living Water Church: Emergency Action Plan, Angela Hage
The Water, the Words, and a Little Bit More: An In-Depth Look at Christian and Mormon Baptism for the Purpose of Pastoral Care, Colby Charles Howell
The Originalist Reaction: The Rise Of Constitutional Originalism As A Response To Rapid Social Change In The US, Katherine Kottkamp
Training Tracking System Proposal: Multnomah County Emergency Management, Beth Leavitt
Poly-Victimization and Delinquency Behaviors: Consequences of Childhood Trauma, Christa Noel McCutchen
Hilton Garden Inn Emergency Operations Analysis and Proposal, Mikaela McDaniel
City of Roses: Sexual Exploitation in Portland, Oregon, Olivia Meyer
Perception of One’s Circumstances as it Relates to Satisfaction with One’s Life, Gerhett Moser
The Rise of Mass Incarceration and the Private Prison Industry: 1970s-Present, Timothy Munoz
I, Stephen, Stephen Kurtz Newhall
First Responder Preparedness Campaign for the Olympia Fire Department, Gabe Padukiewicz
Emergency Preparedness Among Salem’s Hispanic Population: Proposal to Improve Emergency Preparedness and Engagement, John C. Pegg II
Antibacterial Activity of Colgate Total Toothpaste Against Common Mouth Bacteria, Dalen Richardson
Effects of Exercise on Anger and Aggressive Tendencies, Abigail Elizabeth Schultz
Marion County, Oregon Integration of School Emergency Preparedness, Mitch Sechler
Project Proposal: The Jentay Group, Edward Vasquez
Digital Design and Fabrication of an Atmospheric Aerosol Impactor Using a Formlabs Form 2 SLA 3D Printer, Stefan Vincent
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Invertebrate Neurophysiology: Testing the Efficacy of Natural Insecticides, Anastasiya S. Ananenka and Wayne Tschetter
The Forest, the Cake, and Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms: Stories About Life, Haley Bucher
Extinction Breeds Innovation: A History of the Oregon Zoo, Anna Doty
Intentional Christian Community in Portland, Annie Duarte
How Shipbuilding was the Blessing and the Curse of Sunderland, Billy Thomas Fleury
Enhanced Response Plan for Woodland Primary School, Brian Harper
The Use of Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Predict Thymine Dimer Formation in Histone Bound DNA, Emily Ann Brune Heinsen
Practicum Methods and Research: East County Fire & Rescue EOP Scope, Kyle Henderson
Antimicrobial Activities of Tea-Derived Flavonoids Against Skin Staphylococci, Ahyun Hong
The Well Being of Physician Assistant Students: A Preliminary Look at Quality of Life, Qwynton Johnson and Sarah Drummond Hays
Causes of Polarization in the American Political System, 1980s to the Present, Ethan Logan Livermore
UV Irradiation of Thymine Molecules and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry, Kelsey Elaine Mauk
Surgical Skill and Video Games: A Meta-Analytic Review, Tyler Anthony Menzies
How Do We Participate in Conversion?, Jordan Lorenn Merrifield
An Anthology of Spilled Milk, Emily Ponce
Savages, Randilee Sequeira Larson
Effects of PH20 Hyaluronidase Inhibition In Vivo Following Cerebral White Matter Injury, Rachel E. Siltman
The United States Immigration Process: The Current Political Environment and its Repercussions for Syrian Refugees, Lacretia Annette Taber
Raspberry Pi Sensor Array, Justin J. Taylor, Shawn Daley, and Matthew E. Wise
Practicum: Clark College Emergency Operations Plan 2017, Jesse Tillie
Local/State Emergency Management Relationships, Joshua L. Van Dyke
Digital Fabrication of an Atmospheric Aerosol Impactor, Stefan J. Vincent, Shawn Daley, and Matthew E. Wise
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Spirited Away, Ashley Aczon
Rae, Raeann Elan Bauer
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Conformational and Energetic Landscape of a Rotaxane System: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Kentaro Bodzewski
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Conformational and Energetic Landscape of a Rotaxane System: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Kentaro Bodzewski and Andrew Johnson
Investigating Freezing Point Depression and Cirrus Cloud Nucleation Mechanisms Using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Kentaro Y. Bodzewski, Ryan L. Caylor, Ashley M. Comstock, Austin T. Hadley, Felisha M. Imholt, Kory D. Kirwan, Kira S. Oyama, and Matthew E. Wise
Peroxide Content of Secondary Organic Aerosol, Ryan Caylor, Matthew Wise, and John Shilling
X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of Uncharacterized Bacillus cereus Protein Reveals Nucleotide Binding, Sara Duncan
Compassion Fatigue: A Study of Empathy, Burnout, and Religiosity in Undergraduate Student Populations, Daniel Ryan Harris
The Use of Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Predict Thymine Dimer Formation in Histone Bound DNA, Emily Heinsen
Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosols, Felisha Imholt
UV irradiation of thymine molecules and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, Kelsey Mauk
UV Irradiation of thymine molecules and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Kelsey Mauk and Andrew Johnson
Endurance Running in the United States: A History of the 20th and Early 21st Century, Luke Francis Ponnet
Extracellular matrix breakdown blocks repair and regeneration following preterm brain injury, Rachel Siltman, Stephen Black, and Taasin Srivastava
The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Sleep Onset and REM Latency: A Meta-Analytic Study, Hannah Lane Smith
Lutheranism Today within a Throw-Away Society: A Battle between Personal and Community Loyalty to the Christian Faith, Eric van Devender