CUP Undergraduate Research
Project Proposal: Increasing CERFP Activation
Date of Award
Document Type
Restricted Access Practicum
School of Management
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Degree Name
Homeland Security, BS
This project proposal is a practicum exercise developed by Concordia University as a Homeland Security and Emergency Management program graduation requirement. The practicum is used to present a practical application for students' cumulated learning process. Students must apply all that they have learned throughout the program to critical thinking and problem/solution analysis within the Homeland Security and Emergency Management field. Students are tasked with teaming up with an organization and a sponsoring employee to identify a problem, thoroughly analyze it, provide multiple solutions, and recommend actions to be submitted in the arrangement of a project proposal. The following proposal was completed for the Medical Detachment of the Oregon CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives) Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP). CERFP is located at Portland Air National Guard base (PANG) and provided in person collaboration with the student, who, after discussion with unit specialists revealed the underutilization and lack of activation of the unit since its initial establishment. Through analysis of project objectives, organizational restrictions, and solution benefits/disadvantages it was recommended that the Oregon CERFP use a phased outreach campaign that will allow the unit to create clarity in mission capabilities specific to its operating location and improved connectivity with local activators.