CUP Undergraduate Research
Date of Award
Spring 4-1-2017
Document Type
School of Management
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Degree Name
Homeland Security, BS
While no one likes to think or talk about anything that is high-risk, low-probability, emergency preparedness has become the new reality check. With the aftermath of disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the Joplin Tornado, it has become imperative that local governments, private companies, everyday citizens and even educational institutions; address these growing concerns. Moving forward, there must be a focus on creating and disseminating effective plans grounded in foundational emergency management techniques. Emergency management is a term sometimes described as a series of transitional phases such as mitigation, preparedness, response, and recover. These management phases were created to create strategies for mitigating hazards, prepare for and respond to disasters, and recover from incidents. Disasters occur in patterns, thus requiring specific management techniques can reduce negative outcomes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (n.d.) states that emergency management originated in 1803. This was due to a Congressional Act in reaction to a fire that devastated a New Hampshire town. However, the beginning of its current form came in 1989 when President Carter decided to Jesse Tillie HLS 494 Practicum Instructor Nancy Bush March 14, 2017 VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON Practicum: Clark Emergency Operations Plan 3 consolidate the government support and focus around disasters, into one agency called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (FEMA, n.d.)
Recommended Citation
Tillie, J. (2017). Practicum: Clark College Emergency Operations Plan 2017 (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/cup_commons_undergrad/58Included in
Defense and Security Studies Commons, Emergency and Disaster Management Commons, Terrorism Studies Commons