CUP Undergraduate Research
Fragments: A Memoir
Date of Award
Spring 4-1-2019
Document Type
Restricted Access Thesis
College of Arts & Sciences
Degree Name
English, BA
First Advisor
Kimberly Knutsen, Ph.D.
Fragments is a memoir chronicling my long distance relationship with Dominik, who I met when I was nineteen during my gap year in New Zealand. This memoir is written in pieces, in hybrid style, as it includes journal entries, traditional narrative, poetry, and prose. This memoir is not written in chronological order, nor does it take place in a single location. Each section jumps around in time and place – the relevant date and country are listed before each major section.
Recommended Citation
Gross, M. E. (2019). Fragments: A Memoir (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/cup_commons_undergrad/112