CUP Undergraduate Research
Date of Award
Document Type
School of Management
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Degree Name
Homeland Security, BS
This project is assigned as a senior practicum by Concordia University for seniors to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their college education in pursuit of a degree in Homeland Security. The ability to identify and assess threat and risk in a company’s emergency operations is a definite demonstration of a student’s acquired knowledge and skill. Such an assessment was done for the Hilton Garden Inn located in Corvallis, Oregon. Through assessment of their current emergency operations, concerns were found regarding their lack of employee training, updates to the emergency operations plan, and documents. This project outlines the concerns found and provides the Hilton Garden Inn with viable solutions and options to those concerns. The ultimate goal of this project proposal is for The Hilton Garden Inn (HGI) to uphold mission in providing the best service for guests and a safe environment for guests as well as employees. As a company in the hospitality sector, HGI is therefore prepared for all emergency situations and will handle such events with efficiency and professionalism.
Recommended Citation
McDaniel, M. (2018). Hilton Garden Inn Emergency Operations Analysis and Proposal (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/cup_commons_undergrad/52Included in
Defense and Security Studies Commons, Emergency and Disaster Management Commons, Terrorism Studies Commons