CUP Undergraduate Research
Date of Award
Fall 12-12-2019
Document Type
School of Management
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Degree Name
Homeland Security, BS
American Medical Response (AMR) Tukwila is the hub of its Western Washington operations. With over 400 employees and multiple customers and guests at any given time, they must have measures in place to ensure the safety and security of those on the premises. In the summer of 2019, AMR Tukwila experienced a possible active shooter incident. While this is a low occurrence event it proves the need for having a plan and procedures in place. Active shooter situations have steadily risen over the years and can happen without warning. This proposal identifies problems and solutions so that AMR Tukwila employees, staff and customers can safely conduct their daily business of serving the community in which they live and work.
Recommended Citation
Spong, M. (2019). American Medical Response Active Shooter Project Proposal (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/cup_commons_undergrad/43Included in
Defense and Security Studies Commons, Emergency and Disaster Management Commons, Terrorism Studies Commons