CUP Undergraduate Research
This collection archives and makes available undergraduate theses that were previously held in Concordia University Portland's institutional repository, CU Commons.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Fear of Failure in Competitive Athletics, Cameron Way
The Angelic Woman and the Demonic Bitch: Women in Gothic Literature, Vanessa Wendland
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Love and the Ink Whale, Christina Busby
Abbott to Zusak: My Journey through Children’s Literature, Rebecca Carlson
Achieving His End Game: Napoleon's Success At Spinning His Egyptian Campaign, Adam Cockerton
Functional Activity of Renal Cytochrome P-450 1A1 Enzyme in Rats with Low Birth-Weight, Barent Nathan DuBois
Living with Apocalypse: The Western Novels of Cormac McCarthy, Anthony Michael Ell
Jesus Christ Übermensch, John Stephen Esposito
The Relationship between Insecure Attachment and Serial Murder: A Persuasive Literature Review, Dinisha M. Gray-Mingo
Attachment to Parents and Life Satisfaction: An Examination of College Age Students from Intact and Divorced Families, Brittnie Pearson
On Being Christ to Witnesses, Timothy H. Peterson
Prophets for an Authentic Existential Christianity, Ray Reynolds
God is a Wolf, Jeremiah Richards
Analyzing for Melamine in Powdered Milk Products, Naotaka Sekiguchi
In a Nutshell: A Guide to College Essay Writing, Lauren M. Sippy
Creating an Authentic Chicana Movement, Mariana Toscano
Kinetic Analysis of Prodrug Activation and ATP/UTP Substrate Preference of Nine Human Deoxycytidine Kinase Mutants, Breanna Wentz, Jaclyn Einspahr, and Michael H. Godsey
Honey, Let Me Be, Anna Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Birth Order Relationships and Disordered Eating Behaviors Among a Sample of College Students, Megan Allen
Raker, Shawn Drake
Apokatas'tasis, Amber Ford
Dopesick, Sarah Gutierrez
Gender Role Perception and Sport Participation among Females, Adrienne Marie Hagen
Algernon-A Novel, Beth Holian
The Dialectic of Contemplation and Action: The Mystical Struggle of Christian Sanctification, Kirk S. Hulvey
The Empowerment of Young Women in the Church: An Analysis and Application of Feminist Theology, Armae Elizabeth Johnson
Self-Esteem and Familial Emotional Support, Beth Elaina Knapp
The Suits, Kaitlyn Montague
The Effects of Folic Acid on Prostate Cancer Cells: Variations in DNA Methylation of the GSTP-l, Shalina Morris
CRELDl: A Possible Genetic Risk Factor for Truncus Arteriosus, Tyler Peake
Peace to take Home: A Memoir, Kristine Dianne Pugsley
Paul Versus the Pastorals: Why did Pauline Communities Accept the Pastoral Epistles as Genuine?, Mike Sager
For Mature Audiences Only: Self-Regulated Censorship in American Film, Zachary Saltz
FAS RNA and Enzyme Analysis in PPARAlpha -/-SV-129 Murine Model Skin and Liver as an Indicator of Tumor Proliferation After Varied CLA Isotype Diet, Garrett Staples Staples
Looks should not be Deceiving: The Portrayal of the Ending of Mark's Gospel in Biblical Manuscripts, Past and Present, Joshua Traxel
John's Baptism as Jewish Proselyte Baptism: The History and Character of Jewish Proselyte Baptism as Background for Understanding John's Baptism, Matthew Warmbier
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Man’s Participation with God: Origen of Alexandria’s Exposition of the “Image and Likeness of God”, Ben Nickodemus
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Bacterial Analysis of Refrigerated Human Milk Following Infant Feeding, Rachel Renee Brusseau