Dissertations from 2025
The Influence of Single-Leg Isometrics on Ground Interactions during a Baseball Swing, Thomas Johnson
The Impact of Strength Training on the Self-Efficacy of Middle School Football Players, Matthew Starley
The effects of group-based exercise on physical health and participation in individuals with developmental disabilities, Hallie Wallace
Dissertations from 2024
Incidence of Physical Activity and Academic Achievement in Virtual Learning Students, Jenna Arkelian-Brown
Short- Term Pilates Exercise Intervention and Its Impact on Functional Movement in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults, Tara Bartolain
Assessing the Relationship Between Psychological Readiness and Physical Performance in Secondary School Physical Education, Nicholas Cullen-Carroll
Isokinetic Versus Isotonic Resistance Training: Defining the Mechanisms of Hypertrophy and Exercise Execution Methods, George Daughtry
Exploring the Nexus of Perfectionism, Physical Activity, and Smartphone Addiction: A Study Among College Adults, Megan McCarthy
Physiological adaptations in untrained adolescent athletes participating in concurrent training programs, Courtney Payne
Using Multiple Activity Choices to Impact Student Motivation, Skill Acquisition, and Student Preference in Physical Education., Stephen Sanders
Exploring the Impact of Mental Health Screening on Anxiety and Depression Scores among Female Collegiate Ice Hockey Players., Christina Seber
The Efficacy of Deadlifting for Occupational Performance in the United States Marine Corps, Logan Semper
Sensory Hand Drums for Autism Spectrum and Sensory Processing Disorders: Development and Application, Jeffrey D. Sullivan
Injury Epidemiology and Occurrences in a Division 1 Collegiate Cheerleading Team, Skylar Temple
The effect of moderate- and high-intensity inspiratory muscle training on inspiratory muscle strength and aerobic capacity in healthy adults, Amy Toonstra PT, DPT
Evaluating Cultural Competency in Health and Exercise Science Education: A Study of College Student Perceptions and Abilities, Claire Woebke
Dissertations from 2023
Recovery Perceptions and Techniques of Ultramarathon Runners, Denise Howard