Date of Award

Summer 8-27-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Kinesiology (EdD)




The purpose of this project was to analyze the relationship between a psychological preparedness survey and physical performance tests. Perceived preparedness is a valid measure for determining readiness to train, however, there is a lack of studies evaluating high school-aged students and the relationship these scales have with physical performance tests. 41 high school students were recruited and participated in a single session including a 6-point preparedness survey, an aerobic capacity test, and a power test. Demographic, perceptive, and performance data were recorded and analyzed. Pearson correlations were used to determine the relationship between the performance and preparedness variables. Significant correlations were observed for preparedness metrics stress, soreness, and energy with power and aerobic capacity test performance. The results provide evidence for a valid method of determining student preparedness before an exercise bout and offering ideas to promote positive student experiences during assessments.
