Incidence of Physical Activity and Academic Achievement in Virtual Learning Students

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Kinesiology (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Eric LaMott

Second Advisor

Dr. Katie Fischer

Third Advisor

Dr. Lana Huberty


The research assessed whether the incidence of physical activity was correlated with academic achievement. The population of participants included 43 students enrolled in virtual schooling. Academic achievement data was collected from participants’ virtual science/biology class, including their final semester 1 grade. Incidence of physical activity was assessed using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) created by Kowalski et al. (2004). The PAQ-A was adapted to a Google Form, and physical activity summary scores were extracted and organized on Google Sheets for data analysis. Physical activity summary scores and student achievement data were inserted into a Pearson Correlation Coefficient Calculator. Results from the calculator indicated no significant association between the incidence of physical activity and academic achievement (Pearson Correlation Coefficient Calculator, 2024). While no significant association was found, various limitations were discussed as possible influential factors for the study’s results. The next steps for research should include a broader discussion amongst virtual and in-person public schools and school districts regarding levels of physical activity and sedentary behavior amongst adolescent students and how these factors may play a prominent role in student achievement.

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