Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Differentiated Instruction

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Brian Boothe

Second Reader

Dr. Tosca Grimm


choice-based art education, discipline-based art education, engagement, mental health


This paper reviewed ways art educators effectively incorporated choice-based methods to increase student engagement and support students' mental health. It was essential to study engagement within art class because past models of art education needed more room for authentic student creativity and problem-solving. Additionally, a large population of students struggle with mental health issues, and art naturally supports mental health. This research reviewed fifteen studies, ranging from quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. While examining the research, three main themes arose. First, choice-based art education had multiple benefits for student engagement. The next theme illustrated the positive impact of choice on student mental health. The final theme found in this research demonstrated many effective choice-based art education teaching strategies. This analysis discovered the importance of the artistic process, how choice-based art positively affected student behavior, and how choice-based art fostered a sense of community in the art room. These findings invite policymakers and school leadership to support choice-based art education through adequate supplies and teaching spaces, relevant professional development, and smaller class sizes.

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Art Education Commons
