Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Education with Emphasis in English as a Second Language

Capstone Instructor

Matthew Severns

Second Reader

Meagan Reissy


English Learners, GT, Gifted and Talented, ELL, ESL


This paper investigated the underrepresentation of English Language Learners (ELLs) in Gifted and Talented (GT) Programs in K-5 settings across U.S. states. Nationally, only 1.5% of ELLs are enrolled in GT programs, with several states below that average (OELA, 2021). Schools often rely on achievement tests as a basis for recommending students for GT programs, usually during 2nd grade (Coronado & Lewis, 2017). However, several factors, including the fairness of evaluation tools used, may preclude or exclude a student from being considered for GT programs. Other factors include what definitions and guidelines were used to determine giftedness, specifically those whose first language is not English. Other factors include the demographics of states, their resources for ELLs, and whether they follow local or national guidelines for recommending GT services. According to Arundel (2021) finding equitable identification practices using multiple data points (MDPs) and using differentiation in instruction and assessment can help shift the underrepresentation of ELLs in GT programs at the elementary level and even benefit the retention of English Language Learners in these programs.

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