Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Impact and Influence Mentoring has on African-American Leaders in Nonprofits, Gary L. Damon Jr.
The Lived Experiences of Pastors and Lay-Leaders in Rural Missouri Assembly of God Turnaround Churches: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Danny W. Davis
Sustained Solution: Servant Leadership to Guide Transformational Thinking in Education, Shanan N. DeBlaw
How Teachers Facilitate Academic Commitment in Elementary School Students: A Phenomenological Study, Lindsay T. DeFeo-Feibus
Utilizing the Universal Design for Learning Model to Improve Educational Environments in Secondary Inclusive Classrooms, Robyn A. Delahunt
Duty of Care and Risk Management for Institutions of Higher Education, Jorge de la Torre
The Effectiveness of Biblical Worldview Integration with Early Adolescents in Thailand, Lisa B. Deprey
Insight Into How College Freshmen Understand Their Reading and Text Experiences, Jolie Dorrell
Investigation of Guided Study Tables as a Support for College Students with ASD in the Transition to Post-Secondary Education, Rebecca Edgington
Exploring Experiences of Alternatively Certified Teachers Teaching in Low Socioeconomic Status Schools, Zachary F. Ellis
Intercampus Tension at Multi-Campus Institituions: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education Administrators, Steven Erickson
A Phenomenological Study of Parent Experiences With Postsecondary-Admission Counseling, Anthony Espitia
A Phenomenological Study: The Associate Degree Pathway Experiences of Twelfth Grade Hispanic Male Students in an Early College High School Program, Hector Raul Esquivel
The Relationship Between Teacher Communication, and Teacher Credibility, Student Motivation, and Academic Achievement in India, Cyril Fernandes
A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between Holistic Self-Care Practices and Burnout in Middle School Teachers, Laura Fitzpatrick
“Be Calm, Be Kind:” A Qualitative Descriptive Case Study of Instruction and Assessment of Stress Management Behavior Education in the Early Childhood Classroom, Rebecca Eugenia Flasz
How Students’ Reading Habits are Affected by Library Genrefication, Sarah Fleming
Eighth-Grade Students Without Home Internet: A Case Study of a One-to-One Laptop Program at a Title 1 School, Stacey J. Flinner
The Professional Development and Coaching of School Teachers: Real-Time Feedback, Jasmine R. Foster
Perceptions of School Bus Drivers and Their Experiences with Student Behavior: A Qualitative Case Study, Tesha Yvonna Foster
A Study of Teacher Attrition in Rural, North Central, Alabama, Laura Frasher Tuttle
The Effects of Student-Centered Coaching on the Reading Achievement of Elementary Students and Teacher Instructional Practice, Merlette Frederick-Williams
Giving Voice to African Immigrant Families: Perceptions of African Immigrant Families About Their Children’s Experiences in U.S. Schools, J Hilary Gbotoe Jr.
An Exploration on Why Parents Choose Catholic Schools, Sara Giza
Collaborative Partnerships Between Community Colleges and High Schools, Cordelia Godfrey
A Phenomenological Investigation of Early Childhood Education Preparation and Experiences of California Certificated Elementary School Educators Assigned to Transitional Kindergarten, Elizabeth A. Golchert
Hospitality Industry’s Perceptions of Industry-Academia Collaboration in Curriculum Development, Walter C. Griffin
Perceptions of Early Childhood Educators Who Left the Field: A Case Study, Tosca Grimm
Understanding Skills Training and Development: A Program Evaluation of Nontraditional High School Internships, DeAira Handugan
The Effects of Alternative Certification Program Type on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Causal-Comparative Study, Tonda Handy
Teachers’ Perceptions of Emotions and Instructional Strategies in Mathematics, Jennifer M. Hawkins
A Phenomenological Study of Factors Affecting the High Dropout Rate of Nontraditional African American Students in Community College, Vernordra Haynie
Tribal Colleges: Influences on Native American Students Completing STEM Degrees, Daniel J. Henry
A Phenomenological Study of Faculty Experience with Service-learning, Kelli M. Hiller
Schools' Mission Statements, Local Education Agencies' Strategic Plans, and School Accountability, Amber Holomshek
Black Women's Journey to Executive Leadership, Belinda Higgs Hyppolite
Teacher Perceptions of How Attire Affects Student Behavior and Academic Performance: A Case Study, Gwendolyn Ivery
Students’ Perceptions of Religious Practices and Spiritual Maturity Within Pentecostalism: A Case Study, Sheila Jackson
Cultural Competence at a Community College, Daniel Johnson
The Relationship Between Reading Level and Standardized Achievement Results, Monifa Johnson
The Influence of Teacher Technology Self-Efficacy on Computer-Assisted Instruction in Urban Elementary Schools, Randall L. Johnson
Middle School Teacher Perceptions of the Use of the Growth Mindset Strategies to Improve Student Motivation in Title I Schools, Aressa R. Jones
A Study of the Implementation of Digital Textbooks in Middle Schools, Jessica A. Jupin
The Relationship Between Nursing-Faculty Incivility and New-Graduate-Nurse Self-Confidence During Transition to Practice: A Correlational Study, Martha Kershaw
The Lived Experiences of Natives who Have Attended Both TCUs and PWIs, Heather Kind-Keppel
A Case Study on Elementary Teachers’ Experiences Teaching Computer Science, Steve T. Kong
Values and the Decision Persist to Graduation at a University in Alaska, Carolyn Kramlich
Parent and Teacher Perceptions About What Leads to Mastery in Reading at Classical Charter Schools in Texas, Brittany Kretz
The Transition Experiences of High Achieving High School Students from Secondary Education to College : A Case Study, Lori Christine Lachowsky
Problem-Solving Versus Solving Problems From the ESL Math Teachers’ Point of View, Christopher Lacy
Taking Back Control: A Quantitative Study on Teacher-targeted Bullying, Rebecca Lamberth
Understanding the Role of Substitute Teachers, Amy Landis
Dispositions of Online Instructors: A Case Study, Kam Moi Lee
Teacher Engagement in Central European International Schools, Joseph Leonetti
Bridging the Gap: Self-Efficacy and the Desire to Continue in Music Education, Janet Levine
Elementary Teacher Professional Development for Computer Science and Digital Game-Based Learning, Christopher Levy
How Latino Male Students Perceive the Effects of Social Engagement on Degree Completion, Gerardo Camacho Lewis
A Phenomenological Study: The Lived Experiences of Females Enrolled in Nontraditional Programs in Career and Technical Education, Shawna Beth Little
Religiosity, Mindset, and Math Achievement, Kathryn Luebke
The People of the Desert, Cultural Discontinuity, and the American Education System, LaRonda Lugo
The Engagement of Latino English Learner Sophomore Undergraduate Students: A Phenomenological Study, Bette Mackey
The Mentor & Mentee Perspective: Mentorship From Faculty and Staff for Black Male Students in Higher Education, JaVaski D. McDonald
Leadership Influence in the Adoption of Innovation by Critical Care Nurses, Michael McEachern
Examining How Participation in a Youth Development Program Prepared African American Men for College, Shaniece McGill
Student Connectedness and Academic Achievement: A Quantitative Study of Career and Technical Education Students, Kern McGinley
High School Students and Teachers Ethical Perceptions of using Cognitive Enhancers for Academic Achievement, Wendy McLellan-Kelly
Understanding the Experiences of Latino Community College Students on Academic Probation: A Case Study, Maria P. McPherson
The Experiences of Houston Teachers Using Incentives to Motivate Low Performing Students, Dinah L. Melton
Perspectives of Adult Learners and Faculty on Technology Integration and Student Achievement Levels, Joy Melvin
A Correlational Study: Understanding the Relationship Between Leadership and Morale Within Law Enforcement Agencies, Michael C. Minto
A Phenomenological Study: How Minority Immigrant Teachers Perceive Inner-City School Climates, Comfort Ihedinachi Ndukwe
Life After Death: An Autoethnography of a Teacher’s Journey Through Personal Grief and Loss, Kimberlyn Oliver
Explicit Self-Care for Principals and Their Teachers: A Qualitative Transcendental Phenomenological Study on Administrator Stress Levels, Nadia Oskolkoff
Computer Self-Efficacy, Digital Learners, and Completion Rates in the California Community College System, John R. Otte
Technology Integration Experiences and Perceptions of Southeastern Secondary Teachers, Candace M. Pattman
New Teacher Perceptions - Mentoring and Coaching at a California Catholic School, Shawna L. Pautsch
Secondary Teachers’ Descriptions of Blended Learning and Professional Development: A Case Study, Melinda Payton
Parental Involvement Matters: The Teachers’ Perspective, Willie Penn
Changing Perceptions About Professional Development: An Action Research Study Using Andragogy for Educators’ Professional Development, Cynthia L. Pina
Effects of a One-To-One Computer Environment on Student Academic Achievement, Amy M. Price
Teacher Stress and Coping: A Qualitative Case Study, Jennifer Ramsey Tolliver
A Phenomenological Study of Cyberbullying Through the Experiences of Educational Administrators, Michael J. Reichert Jr
Exploring Female Perceptions of Metacognitive Development in Online Learning, Heather Richards
School and Work Experiences of Adults with ADHD: A Qualitative Case Study, Julieta E. Robello
Student Perspectives on Classroom Community in a Career Technical Center, Laura Robinson
Nurse Educators Fostering Critical Thinking in First-Year Students in an Associate Degree Nursing Program, Pamela Rogers
Effective Characteristics for Leaders in Afterschool Programs, Kelly Rudd Safran
The Perceptions of Female High-School Students Regarding Their Engineering Self-Efficacy, Joyce Russo