Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management in an Urban After-School Program, Marcie Duez-Curry
iGeneration Students' Approach to Technology as a Learning Tool, With an Affinity for Social Media Technology, André S. Dyer
The Perceptions of Teachers in a K-8 School on the Implementation and Impact of Culturally Responsive-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (CR-PBIS), Kathleen Ellwood
Online Orientation: An Investigation of Its Effect on Graduate Students’ First-Course Retention, Lisa S. Fee
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions on How Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Relate to Academic Achievement, Tamalita S. Funches
Perceptions of Compass Learning in a Digital Learning Center: A Case Study, Laura Galindo
Teacher Perception of Cooperative Learning Strategies Impacting English Learner Engagement and Academic Performance Levels, Randi L. George
International Teachers' Perceptions of Leadership Practices For Effective Teacher Evaluations: A Qualitative Case Study, Megan E. Geshel
In God We Trust: A Multiple Case Study of the Implementation of Religious and Biblical Literacy Courses in Public Charter Schools, Susan M. Goers
Teacher Perceptions of Parental Involvement With Parents Who are Deployed: A Case Study, Valerie Gonzalez
Merit Pay, Teacher Job Satisfaction, and Retention: A Mixed-Methods Study, Desiree R. Hall
The Peripheral Factors of Inclusive Education and Teacher Self-Efficacy, Debra L. Harper
Facilitating Retention of University Student Veterans Through Transitional Experiences, Organized Provisional Services, and Processes, Mark D. Headen
Perceptions of Texas High School Football Coaches Regarding Concussions, Justin J. Hefley
Effects of Classroom Management on Teacher Job Satisfaction, Justin Helm
Effects of Dual Language Protocol on Literacy Development of Yup'ik Language Students, Kristin Sattler Henke
Self-Efficacy Perception in 11th-grade African-American Girls’ Decisions to Pursue STEM Careers in Higher Education: A Case Study, Mona F. Hicks
The Pedagogical Impact of Middle School Teachers’ Perceptions of English Language Learners: A Phenomenological Study, Rachael L. Hoffert
Teacher Morale in an International School in China: A Case Study, Diana K. Holden
Spiritual Leadership, School Climate, and Teacher Collective Efficacy in Asian International Schools, Tobin E. Holden
High Functioning Students with Asperger's Syndrome in Regular Education Classes Versus Special Education Classes, Michelle D. Holt
Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Context in Educational Leadership, Matthew R. Horne
Middle School Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Transitioning to Personalized Learning, Laura E. Hurtienne
Procedural Integrity: A Study of Implementing Integrity Utilizing Fidelity Checks and Performance Feedback, Kristin Johnson
Experiences of North American Teachers Working Overseas Who Broke Their Contracts Within One Year, Stephanie L. Kattera
Relationship Between Advisor Servant Leadership Behaviors and First-Year Students' Intent to Persist, Jennifer Kelly
Effects of Musical Theater Education on the Self-Esteem of Middle School Students, Kimberly Kokx
A Qualitative Case Study of Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices in Social Justice Education and the Perceived Implications for K‒2nd Grade Children, Tina M. Lageson
The Development of a Survey Instrument to Measure Transactional Distance in Secondary Blended Learning Environments, Dennis Lane
The College-Transition Experience: The Role of High School Teachers, Dawn M. Lewis
First Generation College Students in a TRiO Program, Katherine S. Marble
The Impact of Secondary School Educators’ Implementation Of Response To Intervention (RTI) On African American Female Students, Janelle Muhammad
Perceptions of Registered Nurses on the Choice of Geriatric Nursing as a Specialty Area of Practice: A Case Study, Cirila Daaco Negad
An Investigation of Leadership Factors and Traits That Led to and Supported the Formation of a Multi-University Partnership, Gloria Ngezaho
Experiential Perspectives of Teachers in an Inclusive Classroom, Evelyn Ifeoma Nwadinobi
Building Effective Parental Involvement In Middle Schools: The Parents' Perceptions, Tracy Oates
The Administrator Effect: How EL Education Principals Influence Teachers’ Ability to Overcome Challenge, Natalie E. Osborne Smith
Teacher Perceptions of an Evaluation Process: A Qualitative Case Study, Lisa M. Puckett
Teacher Efficacy and Its Influence on Classroom Management When Teaching African American Males in Grades PreK-2: A Case Study, Suzon M. Pulliam
Perceptions of Effective Teaching Strategies and Assessments of Critical Thinking in Radiographic Clinical Practice, Christian Raby
Mexican-American Female Leaders in Public Education: A Regional Study of the Effect of Parenting Behaviors on Motivation and Leadership Style, Yvette Silva Ramos
Developing Appropriate Challenge and Rigor in the Classroom: Perceptions of Gifted Middle Schoolers, Noelle Regan
Middle School Educators' Perceptions of At-Risk Students Following a School's Initiative Focused on Helping At-Risk Students Succeed, Johnel Bryant Robinson
Fostering Motivation and Teacher Self-Efficacy Using the Guided Reading Method, Shelley Robinson
The Perceived Needs of Teachers of At-Risk Students, Daniel J. Rushton
The Impact of Local-Control Accountability Plan Implementation on Long Term English Learners, John P. Sanchez Sr.
Levels of Teacher Emotional Intelligence in Selected "Beat the Odds" Schools: A Descriptive Study, Nathan L. Schmutz
The Experiences of At-Risk African American Males in an Online Credit Recovery Program, Marcus H. Scott
Bridging the Gap: A Phenomenological Study of Interpersonal Relationships to Foster Campus Community Among Nontraditional College Students, Ashvindar K. Singh
Perceptions and Experiences of White Teachers Teaching African American Students in K-5 Rural Midwest Schools, Tiffany L. Snyder
The Perceptions of Middle School Counselors on Bullying Preparedness, Vanessa Spears
Staying Connected: Measuring the Impact of Technology Integration on Student Engagement and Achievement at the Middle Level, Jaclyn M. Swayne
Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development on the Effective Integration of Technology to the Classroom, Natalie B. McPhail Takacs
Understanding the Public Education Gender Gap Amid Secondary and Central Office Administrators, Danielle L. Taylor
Parental Workshops and Student Academic Success, Dwain C. Thompson Jr.
Elementary Title I Teachers Perception of Stress, Burnout and the Impact on Retention, Kelly Thompson
African-American Males, Part-Time Work, and Persistence, Ami M. Tripp
Factors Influencing Teacher Efficacy in a Pennsylvania Juvenile Detention Center Education Program, Rachel M. Weaver
Dual Enrollment and Rural Alaska: A Qualitative Case Study Examining Student Access and Impact, Corey S. Weiss
The Impact of Testing Context of Computer-Adaptive High Stakes Testing on the Performance of Elementary Students of Poverty, Curtis R. Wilson III
A Phenomenological Study of Six Helping Professionals and Their Experiences with a Persistent Adolescent Suicide Cluster, Bobbi-Jo Woodford
Differences in Leadership Styles Between Genders: Outcomes and Effectiveness on Team Success, Sylvia Zaal
The Evaluation of a Chinese-Language Teacher-Certification Program in an East-Coast State, Ning Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Interventions Addressing Chronic Absenteeism, James M. Brookins
A Case Study: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing Reading Interventions, Gina R. Christenson
Perceptions of Florida Administrators on the Absence of Male Teachers in K-12 Public Schools, Kimberly A. Dunn
A Case Study of the Impact of Peer-to-Peer Mentoring on Mentors in a Rural High School Setting, Darlene M. Geddes
Institutional Racism through the Eyes of African American Male Faculty at Community Colleges in the Pacific Northwest, Kimberly Harden
The Fortuitous Impact of a Cross-Cultural Tutoring Experience on Prospective Teachers' Development Toward Cultural Competency, Carrie Ann H. Kondor
Tools for Effective Implementation of Response to Intervention in the Elementary Classroom, Tonia Y. Manning
Supporting Anti-bullying in Church Environments- A Program Evaluation Study, Trisha Wetzelberger