Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Doctor Brian Boothe

Second Reader

Michael Foster


project-based learning (PBL), inquiry-based learning, student achievement, student-centered learning, social skills


This literature review investigated the effects project-based learning has on student achievement, with the objective of determining its value from an educational leader’s perspective. A comprehensive literature review of qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, and meta-analysis studies were conducted to provide an understanding of project-based learning’s impact. Three themes were identified: student achievement, student behavior, and the teacher’s role. Findings suggested project-based learning can significantly enhance student achievement by promoting critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and supporting a deeper understanding of subject matter. In terms of student behavior, it was found project-based learning can increase engagement, motivation, and collaboration among students. The teacher served an important role in which there needed to be a required shift from traditional instructional methods to student-centered learning. The teacher acted as a guide throughout the project-based learning experience. This transition posed challenges but proved to be critical in the successful implementation of project-based learning. Overall, the evidence indicated project-based learning is a valuable educational strategy that can lead to substantial improvements in student achievement, justifying its implementation from an educational leadership perspective.

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