Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Brian Boothe

Second Reader

Professor Michael Foster


barriers, inquiry, inquiry-based learning, professional development


This paper was a synthesis of current research on the implementation of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in high school science classrooms. The research was a combination of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies done to investigate the barriers to implementation, the importance of proper training and resources, and the effectiveness of IBL practices on student success and interest in science. The research showed several different barriers noted in historical implementation of IBL practices an educational leader should note and prepare for when attempting to implement these strategies. It also showed the positive effect of relevant and meaningful professional development opportunities at many different points in a teacher’s educational journey. Finally, it showed the improved academic results for all students and increase in excitement students taught through inquiry experienced. This paper suggests further research on the appropriate level on inquiry used, stacking of inquiry throughout multiple grade levels, and investigating collegiate success of high school students taught through inquiry.

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