Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Danielle Thompson

Second Reader

Dr. Brian Boothe


Educational Technology, engagement, student outcomes, accessibility


Educational technology is an ever-growing and adapting aspect of the system of education. This has become more apparent since the COVID-19 pandemic, in which students and teachers were forced into remote learning with little preparation, and the constant advancement of technology in society, which leads to new best practices and increased access to information and teaching modes (Leech et al., 2022). This review aimed to determine current research on technology's impact on student outcomes and engagement. Through the research, the trends of perceptions of technology and preparation for teachers and students, the idea of increased access and engagement, and the idea of virtual versus traditional in-person learning appeared to be most impactful. While the distractions and other potential consequences of a larger interconnected world have impacted education, the research also shows that the increased access and perception behind technology usage has shifted within the system, and improved student learning has begun to be shown (Carstens et al., 2021). As education continues to evolve with more information and advancements in technology, teachers and leaders must find a way to help minimize the negatives that technology can present, such as cyberbullying, social media, and other distractive factors, while maximizing the potential that the increased accessibility and connectedness of technology can bring to the system.
