The Influence of Foam Rolling on Muscle Soreness, Range of Motion, and Athletic Performance in Physically Active Adults

Date of Award

Summer 6-20-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science



First Advisor

Denise Howard

Second Advisor

Brenda Kehret


Engaging in physical activity is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases, but it often leads to muscle soreness and tightness. Foam rolling, a form of self- myofascial release, has gained popularity as a method to alleviate these issues and enhance athletic performance. However, the optimal duration and frequency of foam rolling remain unclear. This study aims to investigate the effects of foam rolling on muscle soreness, range of motion (ROM), and athletic performance in physically active adults.

Foam rolling involves applying pressure to specific areas of the body using a foam roller. Previous research has shown mixed results regarding its efficacy, with some studies reporting improvements in ROM and muscle performance, while others found no significant effects. The study will recruit 50 physically active adults aged 18-40, randomly assigning them to either a foam rolling group or a control group. Participants will undergo baseline measurements of ROM, muscle soreness, and athletic performance before a four-week intervention period.

This study's findings will contribute to understanding foam rolling's efficacy in improving muscle soreness, ROM, and athletic performance in physically active adults. By identifying optimal foam rolling practices, we can enhance recovery methods for individuals engaging in regular physical activity, promoting overall health and wellbeing.

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