Service Errors in High School Volleyball Games

Date of Award

Summer 5-3-2024

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Coaching and Athletic Administration



First Advisor

Dr. Ryan Hubbard


The volleyball serve is an important part of the game. A player can score many points if their serve is effective, and the opposing team cannot return the ball. It can also be detrimental to the team if a serve is not completed, as it awards a point to the other team. If a team can serve effectively, it can win the game. A local high school volleyball team was followed throughout the 2023 season to see whether service errors and win/loss records correlated. Service errors were tracked via an assistant coach and a student manager. A stats sheet and pencil were used to track how many service errors occurred. The data was imported into a Microsoft Excel sheet for safekeeping and analysis. Once the data has been collected over the season, a one-way ANOVA test will be used to analyze the information. This research was important to help coaches utilize their practice time to either work on serving or not. This can help the coach better prepare the team and get them ready for competition by spending more or less time on the skill of serving.

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