Risk of vertebral artery dissection following chiropractic manipulation

Date of Award

Winter 2-28-2024

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science




The risk of having a stroke after receiving medical care is something that many people fear. Specifically, this study is looking at the risk after seeing a chiropractor. This study will look to determine what the chances are of having a stroke after receiving chiropractic manipulation. Past research has shown that stroke, after chiropractic care, is more common in the young adult population. One important detail that this study will try to determine is whether there is a correlation or a causation in patients who had a stroke after receiving care from a chiropractor. We looked at studies that have been done within the last 10 years to compare our research to. This study will find that there is a correlation between stroke and chiropractors and not a causation. This research aims to impact the chiropractic community as a whole, as well as the general public and their views towards chiropractic.

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