Assessment of Mental Health Factors After Amputation

Date of Award

Summer 6-26-2024

Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Orthotics and Prosthetics



First Advisor

Amy Funke


This proposed study sought to gather an understanding of how an individual’s mental health varies over time following major limb amputation. Through a comprehensive questionnaire-based approach, this proposed study investigated the variables that influenced the mental health of individuals through the post-amputation and rehabilitation periods. With a set schedule of administration of a Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale derivative questionnaire, researchers gathered an understanding at different time points within the rehabilitation process and the correlative perceived mental health of these new amputees. Alongside categorical variables such as sex, age, level of amputation, and cause of amputation, the intersection of time and mental health has been gathered from new amputees. Statistical analysis of the information gathered will be compiled and conducted to gain a better understanding of the relationship between variables and other findings. The findings of this proposed study hold implications for enhancing mental health care for future amputees as a more standardized approach can be formulated to fit each individual. With the lens of a more holistic approach, this proposed study looked at how each variable of amputation, rehabilitation, and mental health all combine and allow for all areas of psychological and physical care for new amputees.

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