Theses/Capstones from 2025
Physical Fitness and Wellness in Law Enforcement, Tavion Buchanan
A Collaborative Approach to Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare, Mark T. Daigle
Creating Peer Support for Law Enforcement and Incorporating Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Justin Day
Recruitment and Retention in Law Enforcement, Jefferson Dennis
Solving Old Cases with New Technology, Philip Hodapp
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency – Reforming a Broken System, Brandie Olson
Ever-Increasing Statistics of Police Response to Mental Health Crisis Calls: Best Practices, Lauren Olson
Harm Reduction in Corrections and Improved Treatment Programs, AliceAnne Pegg
Recidivism: The Hardships of Reentry, Nicholas Pierce-Davis
Police Wellness, Autum Shurbert-Hetzel
Development and Implementation of Mental Health Court: Benefits, Barriers, and Bridges, Nevada Smith
A Law Enforcement Leader's Response to Human Trafficking, Samuel Whitebear
Theses/Capstones from 2024
Considerations for the Implementation of a Specialized Mental Health Probation Caseload, Ross Becker
Improving Police Officer Recruiting, Retention, and Job Satisfaction, mitch christensen
Juvenile Hate Crimes and Identity-Based Bullying: A Comprehensive Analysis, Peter Efon Elad
Implementing Body Worn Cameras, Eric Fairchild
Bars are not Fluid: Gender Identity and Women's Rights in Correctional Facilities, Camilla Juliana Gonzalez
How Human Performance Factors Can be Better Understood and Influenced to Affect Use of Force Encounters, Jared Kaspar
Opening the Juvenile Recidivism Umbrella Sold By Residential Treatment, Jack Lutz
Defund the Antiquated Training: A Call for the Training Law Enforcement Officers Deserve, Sean Marben
Transforming Law Enforcement to Attract Candidates from the Millennial Generation, Jason Muelken
Reimagining the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Assault, Jacob Swanson
Crisis Intervention Policing: Navigating the Past and Adapting to the Future, Tou Vang
Theses/Capstones from 2023
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Early Retirements in Law Enforcement, Alecia Ainslie
Considerations for Marijuana Legalization, Joe Ainslie
Persons in Crisis: Law Enforcement's Response to Mental Health Calls, Sean Farnham
Incorporating a Peer Support Program in A Criminal Justice Department, Joshua Gerving and Joshua J. Gerving
Implicit Bias Training and Mitigation for Minnesota Law Enforcement Agencies, Jacob Gribble
Understanding and Minimizing School Shootings, Taylor Hammond
DNA Analysis: The Answer for Unsolved Cases?, Sarah Hetchler
Restrictive Pursuit Policies and Rising Violent Crime, Ryan Kelly
Law Enforcement’s Use of Social Media: It is more then just a post, Brad Litke
Gender-Responsive Supervision Six Guiding Principles, Barriers, and Benefits of Implementation, Tessa Matousek
Formation of a Mental Health Co-Responder Unit, Tom Smith
Where do we go From Here? Reconsidering Crowd Management and Control in the Wake of the George Floyd Era of Protests., Nicholas Steiger
Culture of Wellness Toward Resiliency, Shelby Stemig
Title: The truth behind a Guardian ad Litem, Klarissa Stovall
Law Enforcement's Assistance to the Mental Health Community, Megan Thompson
Recruitment and Retention of Millennials and Generation Z in the Criminal Justice Field: How Do We Replenish the Ranks?, Chris Vierling
Paramilitary Model and Civilian Employee’s Impression of Law Enforcement, Deanna Vue
Crime Leads To Time and Time Back To Crime: The Effect Of Employment On Recidivism, Connor Weiss
Theses/Capstones from 2022
Mental Health In Prison, Shatera Brown
Women Incarceration and Attitudes Towards Restraints Used During a Child’s Birth, Wade Chit
Native Americans and the Criminal Justice System, Kenneth Foster
Is a Rainbow Pink or Blue? Creating Jail Policies for Transgender Inmates, Hunter Schultz
Combating Recidivism, Lamichael Shead
Theses/Capstones from 2021
The Scope of the Death Penalty, Austin Bullock
Legalizing Marijuana, Psilocybin Mushrooms, and MDMA for Medical Use, Nicholas Duneman
The Delicate Balance: Police in Our Schools, Mark Hanneman
Tasers and Use of Force: Hitting a Moving Target, Michael A. Keeley
Ex-Felon - The Un-Spoken and Un-Counted, Jeanetta Lindo
First Responder Mental Health, Ryan Malcolm
Mental Health Response for Law Enforcement, Adam Meierding
Police Intersection with Those Without Homes, David O'Connor
Combating Police Officer Suicide with Department Wellness Programs, Ryan Prail
School Shootings: What’s the Plan?, Sherrell L. Quintero
The Juvenile Injustice System of Minorities, Sanjuanita Rodriguz
Reducing Civilian Deaths While in Police Custody, Richena Rogers
De-escalation: A Necessity for the Survival of Law Enforcement, James Ross
Implementing a Personal Wellness Program for Law Enforcement, Lee Schroeder
The Ethical Principles of Financial Wellness and Coaching for Law Enforcement, Eric Scovil
The Use of Coping Skills in the Juvenile Justice System, Alexandria Stepka
Parental Incarceration and the Costly Effects on Their Children, Briana Rae Zocher