Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Early Childhood Education

Capstone Instructor

Kelly Sadlovsky

Second Reader

Kristin Goetz


language and literacy, shared reading


Language and literacy development is tremendously important for young children in the first year of life. The purpose of this capstone is to discover strategies to foster emergent literacy and implement those strategies. Towell, Bartram, Murrow, & Brown, (2021) suggested several strategies to help educators foster literacy development including lap reading, reading aloud, reading to children from birth, dialogic reading, establishing routines, creating books with children, asking questions, and making comments. According to Dowling, Shanty, Sonnenschein, and Hussey-Gardner (2020), it is never too early to introduce language and literacy skills. Infants learn best through responsive, playful interaction that occur in natural, everyday settings (Dowling et al., 2020). Gillespie (2019) also suggested several strategies for educators including making books readily available and a part of daily routines, read aloud in a casual, conversational manner, and find books that provide sensory experiences. According to Horst, Stewart & True (2019), quality matters and educators should re-read books.
