Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Differentiated Instruction

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Brian Boothe

Second Reader

Dr. Kelly Sadlovsky


differentiated/differentiation, English language learner (ELL), inclusive classrooms, mental health


There are many English language learner (ELL) students in United States schools. These students have varying needs and abilities, yet they legally and ethically have the right to an equal education. The purpose of this research was to find ways to best meet the needs of ELL students in inclusive classrooms. Research of fifteen studies related to this important topic have been analyzed and synthesized in order to better understand what schools and educators could do to meet the needs of ELL students. These studies included information on ELL family systems and mental health. The research continued with studies related to school reformation of ELL programs, explanations of the benefits of co-teaching, and methods of differentiating to best meet the needs of ELL students. It was found that schools need to implement more teacher education or professional development. This education included things like understanding demographics, cultures, mental health, co-teaching, and differentiation in language arts and math to best meet the needs of ELL students.
