Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Sharon Meyerring

Second Reader

Oluwatoyin Akinde Fakuajo


Lean Methodology, Secondary Education, Teacher Teams, Collaborative Learning Organization, Collective Efficacy, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Professional Development



Teacher teams such as Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and similar cooperative teams, have been identified as instrumental in improving student outcomes. At the same time, the importance of a collaborative approach to evaluating data and refining practice has been recognized (Graham, 2007; Sigurðardóttir, 2010). Often however, teacher teams do not have the resources available to them to ensure their success. This paper examined current research regarding several internal and external factors that impact the success of teacher teams such as PLCs. A review of the literature suggested that within teams, trust amongst team members is a predominant indicator of the team’s likelihood of success. Studies further suggest that external systems and structures must be in place so that teams have adequate, undistracted time to meet and complete their work. Lean Methodology as pioneered by Toyota (2019) and Womack & Jones (2003) is a framework for continuous improvement that has been in place for decades in fields such as manufacturing and healthcare, and that may offer a way for teacher teams and the systems and structures that support them to thrive in a resource constrained environment.
