Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Oluwatoyin Akinde Fakuajo

Second Reader

Professor Duane Borgeson


discipline-based art education, choice-based art education, intrinsic motivation, visual arts education


This paper reviewed fifteen primary research sources on how a shift from Discipline-Based Art Education to Choice-Based Art Education affected student intrinsic motivation, behaviors in the classroom, diverse learning needs, and visual arts educators. The purpose of this paper was to provide art educators information about choice-based art education with findings on potential benefits and drawbacks to a shift in pedagogy. Benefits found in the research may include increased intrinsic motivation among students and decreased negative behaviors in the classroom. Choice may have benefited students of different learning abilities through the chance for them to create at their learning level or by allowing English language learners the chance to practice their communication skills. Finally, choice may have benefited educators in reigniting their passion for teaching and aligning with personal beliefs about education. Drawbacks from implementation of the studies included no increase in intrinsic motivation due to a lack of specific skill-building activities in young elementary students. The activities may be used to build confidence in students, which may increase their intrinsic motivation. Another drawback included increased negative student behaviors during teaching time and transitions between tasks. In conclusion, a shift to choice-based pedagogy should not be taken lightly. This paper was intended to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of the shift to choice-based pedagogy in order to provide art educators with the knowledge they may need when deciding if the shift is right for them.

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Art Education Commons
