Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Differentiated Instruction

Capstone Instructor

Brian Boothe

Second Reader

Phyllis Burger


expository writing, genre, organizational markers, peer-assessment, self-assessment, teacher-assessment


This paper synthesized current research on how secondary English-language arts teachers can best teach students to organize their ideas through expository writing. This topic is discussed through research findings about defining “good” writing, organizational indicators of quality writing, assessment, classroom strategies, and the impact of home life during the expository writing process. Research indicated that giving students peer, self, and teacher assessment opportunities could have a positive effect on how students organize their writing. Additionally, recent research has shown that when teachers make the writing process personal and fun, students produced higher quality expository writing. While studies suggested that educators should work to bridge a gap between high school and college writing perceptions, further longitudinal research is needed to determine student growth in expository writing skills from the beginning to the end of high school to better understand which writing skills need additional support.
