Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Dr. Oluwatoyin Akinde Fakuajo

Second Reader

Dr. Teresa Tyler


formative assessment, summative assessment, student feedback, student motivation, self-regulated learner


The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of formative assessment in a high school classroom setting would increase student motivation and self-regulated learning strategies. The sample (n=41) in this study included students from grades 7-12 social studies course. The researcher engaged in formative assessment strategies paired with formative feedback aimed at improving student understanding of concepts and ideas in social studies. Based on the research, formative assessment, paired with formative feedback, can give students the motivation to aide their learning, and help them learn rather than memorize. The shortened 44-item Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was used in a quantitative pre- and post-test approach for the purposes of this study. The data were analyzed using a paired samples t-test to determine statistical significance. Based on the data from the study, there was no statistical significance in either student motivation or self-regulation through the use of formative assessment.
