Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




Educational Leadership

Capstone Instructor

Professor Oluwatoyin Akinde Fakuajo

Second Reader

Professor Sara Kellogg


collaborative professional development, conventional professional development, professional development


Professional development (PD) is a foundation of growth for K-12 educators. PD is the mechanism that allows teachers to improve their teaching by learning new materials or strategies. Teacher learning is essential in providing students with a high-quality education. Not all PD models are equal or designed the same way. There are many types of PD, and some models significantly impact teacher motivation, effectiveness, and student outcomes. Teachers expressed that traditional methods of PD were not meeting their needs and that a more collaborative approach would provide more opportunities for professional growth. Studies indicated that while a moderate amount of PD positively affected teacher performance, there were vital components of PD that yielded the most positive results. After reviewing results from qualitative and quantitative studies, the most effective PD models included aspects of active learning that utilized adult learning theory, offered support through collaboration, modeled effective teaching practices, provided sustained coaching support, and offered opportunities for feedback and reflection. Further quantitative research is needed in longitudinal studies with larger sample sizes. This research will help determine if PD models are successful and if school districts use PD models that meet federal funding requirements.
