The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Anna Fritze
Front Matter
- Letter from the Editor
- Concordia Saves the Music Amidst Pandemic
- CSP 2020-2021 Tuition Announced
- Amazon Pharmacy: Prescription Drugs Online
- November 15 SpaceX Launch
- The Fight for Women's Rights in Poland
- Give or Receive Meals Safely During the Holidays: Nutritional Assistance Located On or Near Campus
- The Disintegration of Ethiopia: How Regional Conflicts in Opposition to Ethiopia are Once Again on the Rise
- Concordia 451
- A COVID-Friendly Holiday Tour
- Best Last-Minute Gifts
- Are We Heading Towards Another Shutdown?
- Christmas Traditions
- Stress Relievers for Finals
- The Newest Pointless Innovation in Social Media: Fleets
- New Year, New Me?
- Concordia and COVID Update
- Is Christmas Really the Best Time of the Year?
- Creative Gift Guide for Christmas During COVID-19
- Should Winter Sports Return?
- A Changing Dance Department
- Men's Basketball Ready to Start Up Soon
- Women's Basketball Season Starting Up Despite COVID-19
- CSP Swim Team Practicing for Inaugural Season
- Rene Elias: Concordia's Photographer!
- CSP Recruits New Athletes on Signing Day
- Esports Wrap Up
- How 'bout Them Cowboys!?
- NBA Season Starts Back Up Late December With Changes
Arts and Variety
- Music Review: Noah Cyrus
- Food Review: Zait and Za'atar
- Senior Swan Song: Jared Greenberg Presents "Speed-the-Plow"
- Dark and Deliciously Wicked: Mark Rosenwinkel Presents "A Sentimental Tale"
- A Tribute to Alex Trebek
- Recipe Review: Apple Cinnamon Pancakes
- American Horror Story: 1984 Review: A Disappointing Edition to the Idiosyncratic Series
- World Art Gallery Opening
- Product Review: The Kindle Paperwhite and How it Can be a Game Changer for University Students
- "I AM": Poem by Lawrence Finch
- Book Review: Everything I Never Told You
- Senior Spotlight: Noah Klemp
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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