The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Anna Fritze
Front Matter
- Letter from the Editor
- Marginalized Students at Concordia Share Grievances: Recent Sit-In Organized by Black Students Challenges Administration
- Election Results Recap: Biden Elected Next President of the United States
- Second Wave of COVID-19 in Europe
- Oil Tanker Hijacking
- How Universities Across America Encouraged Students to Vote
- Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed as Supreme Court Justice
- "The World's Most Trusted Airline" Bans Non-Mask Wearers: Over 460 on Delta Airlines No-Fly List
- New Initiative at Concordia Sodexo Brings Healthy Food to Campus
- Milestone in Catholic History with First African American Cardinal
- CSP Education Department Initiative
- Did we make the right choice?
- Mail-In Ballots: The Star of the Election
- How to Enjoy Thanksgiving without Killing Grandma
- The Thanksgiving Checklist
- The One with the Reboots
- Winter is on It's Way
- Rocket League and Newcomer Showcase
- CSP Baseball Team Sends Uniforms to Nicaragua
- Smash Brothers and League of Legends
- Tennessee Titans Fined $350,000
- Vikings Update
- Recap of the NBA Finals
- eSports: Overwatch
- The Hidden Opponent at CSP
- eSports: Hearthstone
- The CSP Dome
Arts and Variety
- Baltimore Museum of Art's Planned Sale of Warhol Painting Causes Controvers, Loss of Donations
- In 150 Glimpses of the Beatles, Bits and Pieces Make Up a Poignant Portrait
- Corona Christmas Concert
- Movie Review Rebecca
- Book Review: Children of Blood and Bone
- Ariana Grande is at the Top of Her Game, Once Again
- Recipe Review: Dashi-chazuke
- Criminal Justice and Sociology Club Holds Open Conversation
- A New Age of Theater
Document Type
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