The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Katrina Bell
- “So, How are the Children?”: 16th Annual Poehler Lecture
- Concordia's Christus Chorus: Finalist for the American Prize Award
- Students Helping Students: A Look into Minnesota's Best-Kept Secret
- What’s With The Weather? Climate change or a Gift?
- UMOJA Celebrates African Culture Night
- Funding the Future: Concordia Receives College Completion Grant
- Earned Sick and Safe Time: Legislators Creating Bill to Remove this Mandate
- Professor Spotlight: Nancy Harrower
- Oscar's and Tony's and Emmy's, Oh My! What is the Difference
- President Trump Moves Forward on Immigration Laws
- Sunday Alcohol Sales: Sunday Night Football Just Got Slightly Easier
- Golden Bears Baseball Start Out Hot in Arizona
- Big Upset, Hope for the Future, Cap Down Season
- A Successful Season with More to Come: Track and Field
- CSP Women’s Basketball: Golden Bears Lose In the First Round of Conference Tournament
- Expanding Athletic Facilities: Improving Concordia
- Young Roster Makes Big Splash Early On: Lacrosse Opens the Season Strong
- Female Athlete of the Month: Liz Jarosz
- Male Athlete of the Month: Gus Varland
Arts and Variety
- "Adoption Wounds" by Clare Beardsley
- French Meadow Café: A Cozy Spot
- CB Sherlock’s Art Showing
- Art Spotlight: Matthew Sullivan
- Senior Show Shoutouts
- Dear President Trump,
- The Purpose of the Protest
- Nit-Picky Pet Peeve: Pocket-Less Pants
- An Advocate for Art
- 83 Year-Old Hmong Grandma Bitten by Police Dog
- Trump Dabbles with DAPL
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] March 2017: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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