The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Katrina Bell
- Trump’s Travel Ban Denied
- Club Spotlight: Tetra Delta
- New Transit Projects: Light Rail Extensions and Rapid Bus Transits
- Minnesota Senate Health Insurance Bill: Who Pays?
- Professor Spotlight: Dr. Amanda Brosnahan
- Reformation Heritage Lecture: Remaking the World With Law and Gospel
- President Trump Keeping His Campaign Promises...So Far
- Jenny Everett: CSP Graduate Gets Job in Sorrento, Italy
- Making It Through the Winter: Driving Safety and Theft Protection
- Super Bowl 51: Not-So-Super Commercials
- CSP’s Track Team Continues Reaching New Heights
- CSP Women's Basketball Heads to NSIC Conference Tournament
- Mens Basketball Prepares for NSIC Conference Tournament
- Golden Bear for Life From the Refugee to Baylor Basketball: The Story of Nuni Omot
- National Signing Day Highlighted by CSP Football Signing 39 New Players
- Female Athlete of the Month: Erica Young
- Male Athlete of the Month: Antony Odera
- Look At the First Season’s Schedule: Concordia Lacrosse
- Golden Bears Kicks Off 2017 Season With Trips to U.S. Bank Stadium and Arizona
- Should Minnesota Bring Back Legal Walls? The Fall of Legal Graffiti Walls
- The Mexico City Policy: Implications for the Holistically Pro-Life
- Thought Germs: The Contagiousness of Our Emotions
- Exploring Ourselves Through Others Study Abroad Opens Horizons
Arts and Variety
- A Leading Actress: Allison Fries
- Creative Writing Spotlight: A Foot in Both Worlds - Joe Muench
- Fire and Ice: St Paul Winter Gallery
- Music Spotlight: Kristyn Svoboda
- Latino Art Migrates to Concordia
- Modern Retelling of The Tempest: Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood
- Hidden Hispanic Gem: Food Review, El Burrito Mercado
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
Recommended Citation
Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] February 2017: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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