The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Amanda Och
Front Page
- Concordia Tuition Cuts Highlighted on Kare 11
- Growing Up: Concordia Starting Five-Year Lease at Central Midway
- Herzlich Willkommen: St. Paul's Germanic-American Institute
- Professor Spotlight: Charles McGriff
- A Club Revived: Concordia's Sisterhood of Empowerment
- Black Freedom and Women’s Liberation
- Annual Hmong War Simulation Event
- Heidi’s Housing Tips!
- New Sexual Consent Policy on U of M Campus: What Concorida is Doing to Address Sexual Consent on Campus
- Drug Testing For Welfare Applicants
- Sexual Assault Awareness
- New Head Coach has Big Plans for CSP Golf
- Volleyball Looking to End Season Strong
- Male Athlete of the Month: Jimmy Mireri
- Female Athlete of the Month: Rachel Pearl Gray
- Running the Race of Life: Cross Country Report
- Women’s Soccer Achieves Goal in Making it to the Playoffs
- Cheerleading Spotlight
- Hoops Madness: Basketball Preseason Showcase
- Men’s Basketball Preview
- Women’s Basketball Preview
- Team Impact: Youngest Member Signs with CU Baseball
- Brain Trauma Changing the Game: Concussions in Sports
Arts and Variety
- Book Review: The Boy Who Loved Math
- Working: The Musical Review
- Restaurant Review: Groveland Tap
- 9:08 Chapel: Praise and People
- Fall Band Ensemble 2015
- Relaxation Yoga
- ACDA Choral Director of the Year: Dr. David Mennicke
- Theatre Review: The Little Mermaid
- Crypticon: Horror and Sci-Fi Convention Review
- You Can Do It: A First-Hand Experience of CSP Theater Audition Workshop
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] November 2015: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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