The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Amanda Och
Front Page
- Interview with President Ries
- Living the Promise Statement: September 16th Convocation Summary
- Interview with President Ries (continued from front page)
- Global Student Club: Learn About Other Cultures and Customs of the World!
- Emeritius Professor Receives Award for His Prison Ministry
- Augsburg Students Spend their Semester on the Mississippi
- Professor Spotlight: Matthew Buns
- The Amazing Race, Concordia Style
- AIGA Concordia: Club Preview for Concordia's Design Community
- Dedication of the Veterans’ Resource Center: Honoring General John W. Vessey, Jr.
- Black Lives Matter Movement: Protest at the State Fair Grounds
- Syria in Crisis: The Worst Refugee Crisis Since WWII
- How Far Would Your Dollar Go 50 Years Ago
- Football Update: Wake Up Call
- Volleyball Season Update
- Male Athlete of the Month: Jordan Halverson
- Female Athlete of the Month: Emma Gartner
- Talent is Sky High: Concordia's Soccer Team
- Keeping a Steady Pace: Cross-Country Update
- The Newest Collegiate Debate: College Athletes Paid Stipends
- Concordia University’s Golf Family
- Homecoming Traditions
- Volleyball Wins Back-to-Back Homecoming Matches
- Halverson Sets Career Tackles Record in Homecoming Loss
- Thrivent Builds and Habitat for Humanity Service Day
- The Biannual Alumni Distinguished Service Awards Banquet
- Movie Review: Jauja
- Book Review: Half the Sky
- Art Spotlight: Meredith Wagner
- Music Spotlight: Professor John Roth
- Food Review: Minneapolis Greek Cultural Festival
- "Mack"
- Dancer of the Month: Quang Nguyen
- Theatre Spotlight: Patrick Inouye
- To Scream or Not To Scream? Come visit the Hauntitorium!
- Zumba on campus
- Movie Review: Strait Outta Compton
- Shakespeare Under The Stars: September Show Review
- Working: The Musical
- Pep Band Spotlight
- Ceramic Invitational
- Renaissance Festival 2015
- Library After Dark Review
Arts and Variety
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] October 2015: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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