The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Jay Weiler
Front Page
- National Signing Day: New Student-Athletes Choose to Sign with Golden Bears
- International Night
- Red Bull Crashed Ice 2014
- Down Goes the Dome: A Minnesota Landmark's Final Days
- Lover of Literature and Culture: Dr. Debra Beilke, Professor of English
- Volleyball: Incoming High School Stars Hope to Repeat Concordia's Success
- Concordia Softball Prepares for a New Season
- Male Athlete of the Month: Adam Kramer
- The Playoffs are Here: Women's Basketball Roars into the Post Season
- Female Athlete of the Month: Alyssa Christianson
- Men's Basketball Season Recap
Arts and Variety
- Art Spotlight: Anne Aamodt
- Music Spotlight: Gina Marchetti
- Theater Spotlight: Jordan Vano
- Book Review: Minnesota in the 70s
- Movie Review: Monuments Men
- Simple and Cheap College Recipe: Microwave Cream of Chicken Soup with Rice
- Getting Motivated & Eating Healthy
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] March 2014: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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