The Sword
Publication Date
Editor in Chief
Jay Weiler
Front Page
- Snow Daze: The In-and-Outs of Snow Emergencies at Concordia
- CBOL Graduate Program
- Professor Spotlight: Dr. Suzanne Hequet
- Student Senate: An Update
- It's a Slam Dunk - Don't Drive Drunk: Concordia Athletes Star in Award-Winning Video Against Drunk Driving
- Leaping for Success: Elyea-Wheeler's Pole Vaulting Takes Track Team to New Heights
- Dirt, Sod, and Clay, Oh My: Baseball Preview
- Male Athlete of the Month: Cordell Smith
- Men's Basketball: Building Team Chemistry to Finish the Season Strong
- Female Athlete of the Month: Rachel Hansen
- Women's Basketball: Fighting for First in the Conference
Arts and Variety
- Art Student Spotlight: Derek Bressler
- Cate Vermeland: An Artist's Quest to Find Voice in a Technological World
- Food Review: Mancini's Char House-Traditional Dining with an Old School Twist
- The Best Things in Life are Free: Teresa Schier's Voice Recital
- I, Frankenstein Movie Review
Document Type
This is not an official CSP publication and does not necessarily reflect the view of the administration, faculty, or staff. For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact The Sword via email at sword@csp.edu.
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Last, First. "Article Title."The Sword [St Paul] February 2014: pages. https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/sword/
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