Minnesota Twins Professional Industry Experience



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Hubbard


The Professional Industry Experience was an eight-week course with Concordia St. Paul and the Minnesota Twins. The goal of the experience was to network with different departments and understand what the professional sports industry is about. Over the eight weeks at Target Field, various presidents, executives, and managers came to give insight into their line of work and what they do to further the organization. With the speakers, there were experiences that students in the class could sign up for. These experiences ranged from shadowing guest services and security to meeting with various departments and gaining knowledge about their department. Between the classroom and additional experiences, the goal was to gain professional experience with a sporting organization and apply it to future endeavors. The outcome of the eight weeks was excellent knowledge of the workings of a professional sports organization that continually strives to entertain its fans and city.

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