Athletic Funding Disparities Between Urban and Rural School Districts



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Ryan Hubbard


While there have been many studies done on education finance, most of these studies have examined school finance through the lens of educational services and very few have been directed toward athletic funding (Burke, 1999). With nearly forty percent of states showing substantial variation in the distribution of educational resources the possibility for disparity in athletic funding between urban and rural school districts specifically is quite possible and is an aspect of public education that needs to be explored (Burke, 1999). Given the relationship between athletic participation, behavioral development, and academic performance, equalizing access and opportunities through adequate funding is an aspect of public education that needs to be addressed. Wisconsin’s funding structure which caps how much state funding schools can receive, puts schools in districts that generate less tax revenue at a distinct disadvantage. This study will shine a light on economic disparities through school financial reports in an attempt to level the playing field for high school aged athletes looking to experience the benefits of being a member of an athletic team.

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