Sport-Based Youth Development and their Positive Future Outcomes



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Lana Huberty

Second Advisor

Kelly Boe

Third Advisor

Steve Ross


Sport-based positive youth development programs (PYD) are key to promoting a culture of mental and physical wellness among youth participants, especially in low-income, underserved, and marginalized communities (Hemphill & Martinek, 2017). Engaging in regular physical activity has been found to increase physical health outcomes, academic progress, and improve community engagement within youth participants (Bopp & Roetert, 2019). This study, via research questionnaires sent to program department heads, coaches, and volunteers in the PYD field, will look to understand the mechanisms and metrics used by these programs to ensure positive development and community engagement amongst youth participants, as well as give firsthand accounts as to what skills, lessons, and knowledge is gained by youth participants in PYD programs across the country in varying socioeconomic communities.

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