Women Represented in Front Office Roles in Professional Sports



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




There is a movement of redefining what it means to be a woman, especially a woman working in sports. The lack of female representation across the sports industry is not only a problem in the United States, but across the world (Aiaanse & Claringbould, 2016). Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom have examined the issue of the underrepresentation of females working in sports (Aiaanse & Claringbould, 2016). Women have faced backlash and setbacks while trying to create a career for themselves in sports. An article by Cunningham, (2008) called, “Creating and Sustaining Gender Diversity in Sport Organizations” noted that, unlike men, “women are more likely to be placed in marginalized positions, to receive fewer returns for their human and social capital investments, face barriers in their career progression, and encounter work-family conflict” (p. 36). The purpose of this study will be to gather information from women who currently work in the professional sports industry specific to their experiences in sports. The data collected may help guide women who are interested in pursuing a career in sports.

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