

Document Type



Master of Arts


Family Life Education

Capstone Committee Member (Advisor 1)

Trish Anderson

Capstone Committee Member (Advisor 2)

Mary Kingston


This study developed a curriculum for Family Life Educators and consultants that provide counseling for newlywed military personnel. The curriculum is intended for implementation at military bases in the United States and abroad, but was developed from data obtained at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. The purpose of the curriculum was to give subject matter experts a framework for educating military families in effective communications techniques intended to reduce stress and enhance marriage satisfaction during lengthy wartime deployments. The curriculum was developed based on the findings of previous researchers regarding the factors that contribute to divorce and the role of communications in enhancing the marital relationship. The curriculum was adapted to the specific needs of military personnel based on data obtained from subject matter experts in the area of military family life. The curriculum fills a gap in the existing programs available to improve communications and increase satisfaction with marriage in that it focuses on military personnel that are newly married and facing the hardships associated with the extended absence of a spouse due to military deployment.


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