
A Portfolio: Advocacy and Professional Development--A Collection of Artifacts

Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




school age care, advocacy, professional development


p>Learning is a lifelong process that offers the individual an opportunity to acquire a broad range of knowledge to function in one's profession and, more significantly, to develop an understanding of human interactions that make work, home and recreation meaningful. The learning process extends through life. Whether one chooses to ignore the learning which is occurring and treat it haphazardly or whether one chooses to shape and cultivate the learning to produce meaningful growth makes all the difference in who we are.

Interactions with many different groups and individuals in formal and informal settings have helped me develop competency and proficiency as an administrator of a school-age child care agency, as a participant on the state level in various initiatives, and as a leader on the national level as both a trainer and a national board member. In this portfolio I will demonstrate my learning as I have applied it in the areas of advocacy and professional development in the field of school-age care.

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