Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education




course development, higher education, behavior management, behavior coaching, after school programs, school age care


Traditionally, dealing with disciplinary problems with youth has been called behavior management. What is behavior management? Can we really manage another person's behavior? Can we help youth to develop the skills necessary to manage their own behavior? Do we need a new vocabulary? It may be better for youth development professionals to use the term and concepts that great sports, business, and personal improvement specialists are using. The term "Coaching" envelopes a philosophy of education that is significant for the field of youth development. It means to proactively teach the youth we work with the values and behavior that our society finds acceptable. For the purposes of this class we will use the term "Behavior Coaching".

This class is intended to be a dynamic work, adapting to the needs of those who are learning the material, as well as integrating new ideas and concepts as they present themselves. It is my intention that this material be taught as a distance education class utilizing the resources of the internet including web site based materials for review and downloading lectures, chat rooms for class and small group meetings, and bulletin boards for posting messages and responses.


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