Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



Capstone Instructor

Fred Bartling

Second Reader

Laurie Ollhoff


school age care, training, mentorship


One of the many concerns we have heard from staff members who are new to the field is that they would like to work more closely with someone so that they can gain a better understanding of how to coordinate and implement a quality program. While many .training programs/modules are available with excellent resources to learn the basics, they do not necessarily provide the ongoing support needed for staff who find many more challenges after they have been through training. It is our belief that a School Age Care, SAC, mentor can assist SAC professionals by working side by side with them. The mentors would provide the support structure to professionals by building up their self- confidence and offering guidance.

Our goal in completing this project is to make available to SAC professionals and their organizations a better understanding of the benefits of mentoring and how to implement such a program.


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