Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



Capstone Instructor

Fred Bartling

Second Reader

Laurie Ollhoff


school-age care, transition, relocation, United States military, military families, military children


Each year millions of children say good-bye to friends and familiar surroundings and move to new homes. For children whose parents are in the military, this can be a frequent occurrence. How this relocation is perceived and handled has a lot to do with a child's coping and social skills. The U.S. military is committed to having high quality child care available for children and youths at all of its installations. School age care can play an important role in welcoming a child to a new location, creating a place where friends and happy memories are made, and actively teaching and promoting social skills that increase a child's ability to cope with life's transitions. This project looks at the importance of building assets in children and offers a variety of activities to use with children to help achieve that goal. Also included is a staff training activity, an observation tool, and a list of tips that relocating parents might find helpful to use with their own children.


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