Date of Award


Document Type

Non Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



Capstone Instructor

Carmen Cook

Second Reader

Sue Starks


bibliotherapy, social emotional development, early childhood education, preschool


This paper examines the philosophy and practice of using bibliotherapy with young children. It presents definitions and uses of bibliotherapy in various contexts. It reviews literature involving studies done on the effectiveness and benefits of bibliotherapy. The importance of understanding child development in using bibliotherapy is addressed and general milestones in a preschooler's social and emotional development are identified. Finally, this paper describes research-based guidelines for teachers in using bibliotherapy with children. A sample story is provided to illustrate the use of bibliotherapy with young children. The appendix includes an annotated bibliography of published books for the preprimary-Kindergarten child related to social and emotional issues common to the development of children at this age level.


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